Sunday, April 2, 2017


Good Day y'all! Even though it's actually night time where you guys are :)P I already asked Elder L if I can move there and he encouraged it hahaha!! I can't believe how soon General Conference is, it's just coming us in like 2 weeks... which is going to be so much fun and very very spiritual! We'll see about how awesome the talks are going to be :D
I can't believe though that it's already about April--which means that Easter is soon as we celebrate the birth, death, and ultimate resurrection of Jesus Christ :D
It's so fun to see all those pictures of the goats and the baby animals that are being born at home- they seem so CUTE- I'm super duper excited to see them ::D It always just super fun how they look like little smiling animals! I'm honestly blown away though at the fact that there is a whole generation of sheep that I haven't even met yet!!!
Anyways though, it makes me so happy to hear about the updates from back home and to hear about how life is going right now for you guys :D Hopefullly this week is going to really be a blast for y'all!

Anyways, This week was really good, though in all honesty it was kind of difficult- it was only hard because that's how we worked-hard! The problem that we had been facing is that the last Elders who were here didn't really find a whole lot of investigators who we can teach regularly so what Elder L and I are trying to do is to build up the "teaching pool" of people who we can visit!
In fact, we met someone this week who we feel has a whole lot of potential, they are the Catinguil family and are really kind. We actually found them because one of the members here told us that this family was taught by the missionaries before but they stopped being visited because the sister has work on Sundays and hasn't come to church yet- but from what we know they really wanted to be taught, and then we visited them and we really feel like they were/are ready to receive us! :)
The others who we visited from previous missionaries are really cool and seemed pretty open to once again meet with and listen to the missionaries! 
The other news is that this week we had a missionary conference with President D, which was really cool- he talked a lot about Lehi's dream and also about how there were 4 types of people that we meet in the scriptures
1-I will try 2-Maybe 3-No 4-I WILL.     That's something he actually suggested that we can teach to people and then ask them about who they think they are! What's kind of hard is that a lot of people here seem to have the attitude of either "Maybe" or "I will [but then dont]", so it's something that could be really helpful in our teaching of people here in the area!
And finally- an update on our companionship- Elder L and I are having a pretty fun time together, although the "hey Jo"s that we get bombarded with are still raging xD But we're enjoying it- in fact it makes it really easy to talk to people because they usually try to talk to us first!!!  And then we just have a really fun time joking around and working in the sun and heat :)P
Other than that, we should have a pretty fun week- so we'll see what's up :D
Anyways, love you guys so much- I hope that y'all have a great week :)
With Love,
Elder Morris
PS-Saw a super creepy Buddha that looks like he is just screaming and scary- it's pretty great :)P


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